Orlando/Melbourne: (407) 930-6679
 Fort Lauderdale/all other locations: (954) 527-3111

The Quality of our Relationships Determines the Success of our Mission

We focus every day on supporting the needs of our Clients, Animal Patients, Referring Vets and Employees. We also invest in relationships with others in the fight against animal cancer – vendors, industry organizations, academia and charitable groups. Enjoy learning here about some of the ways we nurture these valuable relationships.

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Driven by our responsibility and privilege to support the sharing of knowledge, experience, and camaraderie with oncology specialists and referring veterinarians throughout the world, we are pleased to sponsor important industry events.
We are also honored to recognize our own team members and to support community events and organizations that share our passion for animal cancer care and general well-being.

ACCC Team Members Celebrate 20th Anniversary

On August 8, 2024, the Animal Cancer Care Clinic (ACCC) team gathered to celebrate the company’s 20th Anniversary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Employees with 10, 15, and 20 years of service were honored, and a special video was shown. The event featured cake, refreshments, and shared memories.

ACCC Founder and President Stephanie Correa, DVM, Board-Certified in Medical Oncology, recognized several key team members, including Sheri Impemba, Senior Manager of Medical Operations, for her 20 years of dedication. Dr. Correa praised Sheri for her essential role in shaping ACCC’s culture.

Amber Impemba, a radiation oncology technician and medical oncology nurse, was also celebrated for her 20-year tenure. Dr. Correa commended Amber for her continued professional growth and contribution to ACCC.

Senior Business and HR Manager Annemarie Kosarek and Senior Manager of Medical Operations Paulina Huerta were honored for 15 years of service. Dr. Correa highlighted Annemarie’s crucial role in managing over 100 employees and described Paulina as the “heart and soul” of the organization.

“Thank you all for your service, your deep commitment, and dedication to ACCC all of these years,” concluded Dr. Correa, as she recognized many additional employees whose longevity at ACCC spanned 10+ years. “It has truly been a remarkable journey full of HOPE, and I could not be more grateful than to be on this journey with you–it is truly one of the greatest joys of my life.”  


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ACCC was once again proud to be a part of the annual ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine) Forum. The 2024 event was held in Minneapolis, on June 5-8. ACCC sponsored the June 5 Specialty Symposium on Oncology, where Dr. Stephanie Correa delivered the opening remarks and Dr. Evan Sones co-presented on “The Future of Veterinary Oncology.”

The world’s largest veterinary specialty organization, ACVIM provides veterinary specialist accreditation in five areas, including oncology. The Forum serves as a premier platform for sharing advancements and research in veterinary internal medicine, ultimately enhancing clinical practice and animal health.

Founded in 1973, ACVIM is a trusted leader in veterinary education, discovery, and excellence. Today the organization has 3,700 members and is committed to advancing the field of veterinary medicine through continuous innovation, education, and fostering a community of dedicated members.


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VCS Annual Conference

ACCC once again participated in the annual Veterinary Cancer Society (VCS) Conference, which was held in Orlando on October 17-19, 2024. More than 700 specialty veterinary professionals dedicated to advancing the field of oncology gathered for the event.

Our booth, which included a Disney-themed gift basket drawing, was a popular gathering place.

Many of our doctors, nurses, and technicians participated in the workshops and learned about advanced diagnostic techniques, treatments, and trends in veterinary cancer management.

We enjoyed the opportunity to connect and share with fellow oncology professionals.


ACVS Summit

For the second year in a row, ACCC was proud to be a sponsor of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) annual Surgery Summit, which was held October 24-26, 2024 at the Greater Phoenix Convention Center.

The event brings together leading veterinary surgeons, specialists, and researchers. Because surgery is critical in the treatment of so many cancers, we support the advances in surgical techniques, technology, and practices that ACVS facilitates.

We participated in this important event to remain current on the latest medical developments in veterinary medicine.

Hill’s CE Dinner

Hill’s Pet Nutrition sponsored a CE dinner for primary care veterinarians in the Orlando area on November 14, 2024. Our own radiation oncology, Dr. Jarred Lyons, DVM, Diplomate ACVR, and Dr. Evans Sones, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM, presented “Bone Tumors: I Do Not Want to Do Surgery, What’s Next?”

Participants enjoyed the opportunity to meet in person to share insights and experiences, all with the mutual goal to better serve our Animal Patients and work in teams to fight cancer.


CONNect with us



Topics for the 2025 continuing education summer program:

Please save these dates (all Tuesdays, 7-8 pm):

  • June 10 – “Electrochemotherapy” presented by Erin Roof, DVM, DACVIM, Board-Certified in Medical Oncology
  • July 15 – “What’s New in Radiation Oncology” presented by Jarred Lyons, DVM, Board-Certified in Radiation Oncology
  • August 19 – “Medical Oncology” presented by Ashlyn Williams, DVM, Practice Limited to Oncology
  • September 16 – Special Guest Speaker from Merck

If you have feedback or topic ideas, please email Dr. Stephanie Correa at drstephanie@animalcancercareclinic.com.

Thank you to our sponsor

View our past webinars


Immunotherapy Offers New Hope for Dogs

Merck Animal Health’s Esther Chon, DVM, DACVIM, Board Certified in Oncology, delivered “Updates on Immunotherapy,” as the last summer webinar in ACCC’s annual “How to Navigate through the Cancer Diagnosis” series for primary care veterinarians. A recording of her presentation is available HERE. Merck Animal Health has sponsored the summer series for the past three years. Dr. Chon’s talk focused on the promise of immunotherapy as the new fourth pillar of treatment options in the fight against cancer in pets.  In addition to the traditional protocols of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, immunotherapy offers new hope, thanks to promising immune checkpoint inhibitors, including Merck Animal Health’s gilvetmab.

Canine Lung Cancer Insights

Lung cancer in dogs is not commonly discussed among veterinarians, according to ACCC’s oncologist Ashlyn Williams, DVM, Practice Limited to Oncology. However, she has seen an alarming rise in such cases recently at ACCC’s headquarters and Fort Lauderdale clinic and decided to prepare “The Cough That Broke the Camel’s Back: Canine Pulmonary Carcinoma” for the third webinar in the summer series, “How to Navigate Through the Cancer Diagnosis.” A record number of primary care veterinarians from across Florida attended the August 20th talk, which can be reviewed in its entirety. Below are highlights from her presentation.

Radiation Therapy and Bone Tumors

ACCC’s Jarred Lyons, DVM, Board-Certified in Radiation Oncology, presented “Bone Tumors: Surgery Is Not Feasible or Desired, So What’s Next?” at the second session of the summer webinar series for veterinarians, “How to Navigate Through the Cancer Diagnosis.” His detailed overview of the types of bone cancers typically found in dogs included state-of-the-art treatment protocols, current research reports, and insights into his own experience treating animals with cancer over the past nearly two decades in both California and Florida.